
  • Cleared As Filed

    IFR (계기비행) 비행을 하기 위해서는
    일반적으로 작은공항의 경우 ground 로 부터, 큰 공항의 경우 clerance delivery 로 부터
    상황에 따라 공중에서도 계기비행을 위한 clearance 를 받아야 한다

    보통 CRAFT 라고 하여
    Clearance (목적지 공항, DP procedure)
    Route (항로)
    Altitude (고도)
    Frequency (initial contact departure frequency)
    Tranceponder code
    를 받게 된다

    Clarence 와 관련 한 여러가지 관제 용어와 정의에 대해 알아 본다

    CLEARANCE LIMIT- The fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance.
    CLEARANCE LIMIT [ICAO]- The point to which an aircraft is granted an air traffic control clearance.

    CLEARED AS FILED- Means the aircraft is cleared to proceed in accordance with the route of flight filed in the flight plan. This clearance does not include the altitude, DP, or DP Transition.

    REQUEST FULL ROUTE CLEARANCE- Used by pilots to request that the entire route of flight be read verbatim in an ATC clearance. Such request should be made to preclude receiving an ATC clearance based on the original filed flight plan when a filed IFR flight plan has been revised by the pilot, company, or operations prior to departure.

    REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP)- A statement of the navigational performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace. The following terms are commonly associated with RNP:

    Required Navigation Performance Level or Type (RNP-X). A value, in nautical miles (NM), from the intended horizontal position within which an aircraft would be at least 95-percent of the total flying time.
    Advanced - Required Navigation Performance (A-RNP). A navigation specification based on RNP that requires advanced functions such as scalable RNP, radius-to-fix (RF) legs, and tactical parallel offsets. This sophisticated Navigation Specification (NavSpec) is designated by the abbreviation “A-RNP”.
    Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Airspace. A generic term designating airspace, route(s), leg(s), operation(s), or procedure(s) where minimum required navigational performance (RNP) have been established.
    Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). A measure of the current estimated navigational performance. Also referred to as Estimated Position Error (EPE).
    Estimated Position Error (EPE). A measure of the current estimated navigational performance. Also referred to as Actual Navigation Performance (ANP).
    Lateral Navigation (LNAV). A function of area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, displays, and provides lateral guidance to a profile or path.
    Vertical Navigation (VNAV). A function of area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, displays, and provides vertical guidance to a profile or path.

    AIM 5-2-5. Abbreviated IFR Departure Clearance (Cleared. . .as Filed) Procedures

    a. ATC facilities will issue an abbreviated IFR departure clearance based on the ROUTE of flight filed in the IFR flight plan, provided the filed route can be approved with little or no revision. These abbreviated clearance procedures are based on the following conditions:

    1. The aircraft is on the ground or it has departed visual flight rules (VFR) and the pilot is requesting IFR clearance while airborne. 2. That a pilot will not accept an abbreviated clearance if the route or destination of a flight plan filed with ATC has been changed by the pilot or the company or the operations officer before departure.

    3. That it is the responsibility of the company or operations office to inform the pilot when they make a change to the filed flight plan. 4. That it is the responsibility of the pilot to inform ATC in the initial call-up (for clearance) when the filed flight plan has been either:

    (a) Amended, or (b) Canceled and replaced with a new filed flight plan.

    The facility issuing a clearance may not have received the revised route or the revised flight plan by the time a pilot requests clearance.

    b. Controllers will issue a detailed clearance when they know that the original filed flight plan has been changed or when the pilot requests a full route clearance. c. The clearance as issued will include the destination airport filed in the flight plan.

    d. ATC procedures now require the controller to state the DP name, the current number and the DP transition name after the phrase "Cleared to (destination) airport" and prior to the phrase, "then as filed," for ALL departure clearances when the DP or DP transition is to be flown. The procedures apply whether or not the DP is filed in the flight plan.

    e. STARs, when filed in a flight plan, are considered a part of the filed route of flight and will not normally be stated in an initial departure clearance. If the ARTCC's jurisdictional airspace includes both the departure airport and the fix where a STAR or STAR transition begins, the STAR name, the current number and the STAR transition name MAY be stated in the initial clearance. f. "Cleared to (destination) airport as filed" does NOT include the en route altitude filed in a flight plan. An en route altitude will be stated in the clearance or the pilot will be advised to expect an assigned or filed altitude within a given time frame or at a certain point after departure. This may be done verbally in the departure instructions or stated in the DP.

    g. In both radar and nonradar environments, the controller will state "Cleared to (destination) airport as filed" or: 1. If a DP or DP transition is to be flown, specify the DP name, the current DP number, the DP transition name, the assigned altitude/flight level, and any additional instructions (departure control frequency, beacon code assignment, etc.) necessary to clear a departing aircraft via the DP or DP transition and the route filed.

    National Seven Twenty cleared to Miami Airport Intercontinental one departure, Lake Charles transition then as filed, maintain Flight Level two seven zero.

    2. When there is no DP or when the pilot cannot accept a DP, the controller will specify the assigned altitude or flight level, and any additional instructions necessary to clear a departing aircraft via an appropriate departure routing and the route filed. NOTE-
    A detailed departure route description or a radar vector may be used to achieve the desired departure routing.

    3. If it is necessary to make a minor revision to the filed route, the controller will specify the assigned DP or DP transition (or departure routing), the revision to the filed route, the assigned altitude or flight level and any additional instructions necessary to clear a departing aircraft. EXAMPLE-
    Jet Star One Four Two Four cleared to Atlanta Airport, South Boston two departure then as filed except change route to read South Boston Victor 20 Greensboro, maintain one seven thousand. 4. Additionally, in a nonradar environment, the controller will specify one or more fixes, as necessary, to identify the initial route of flight.

    Cessna Three One Six Zero Foxtrot cleared to Charlotte Airport as filed via Brooke, maintain seven thousand.

    h. To ensure success of the program, pilots should: 1. Avoid making changes to a filed flight plan just prior to departure.

    2. State the following information in the initial call-up to the facility when no change has been made to the filed flight plan: Aircraft call sign, location, type operation (IFR) and the name of the airport (or fix) to which you expect clearance. EXAMPLE-
    "Washington clearance delivery (or ground control if appropriate) American Seventy Six at gate one, IFR Los Angeles."

    3. If the flight plan has been changed, state the change and request a full route clearance.

    "Washington clearance delivery, American Seventy Six at gate one. IFR San Francisco. My flight plan route has been amended (or destination changed). Request full route clearance." 4. Request verification or clarification from ATC if ANY portion of the clearance is not clearly understood.

    5. When requesting clearance for the IFR portion of a VFR/IFR flight, request such clearance prior to the fix where IFR operation is proposed to commence in sufficient time to avoid delay. Use the following phraseology: EXAMPLE-
    "Los Angeles center, Apache Six One Papa, VFR estimating Paso Robles VOR at three two, one thousand five hundred, request IFR to Bakersfield."
